(consolidated text)
March, 2017
The Party for Social and Economic Progress (hereinafter referred to as POEN) has the status of a legal entity, based in Skopje at ul. "St. Mito Hadzivasilev Jasmin "No. 12, entrance 3, apartment 1, Skopje.
(consolidated text)
a) Subject of framing and confirming-determination
With this Statute the Party for Societal and Economic progress frames: the name, the abbreviation, the headquarters, symbol and flag of the party, the political goal of working, its transparency in the work and the way of its working, the condition and the way of becoming a member and stopping the membership and rights, obligations and responsibilities of the members, advocating and promoting, organs, the way of their choice and recalling, the duration of the mandate and the manner of deciding, acquiring and disposing of the assets, the termination of the Party, the treatment of property in case of termination of the Party, as well as other issues of interest to the membership and the work of the Party.
b) Name, abbreviated name and seat
The name of the political party is:Party for Social and Economic Progress. The short name of the political party is POEN. The seat of the party is in Skopje.
The political party for societal and economic progress (in the further text POEN) has a function of law entity, with headquarters in Skopje ul: „Mito Hadzivasilev Jasmin, br. 12, entrance 3, apartment 1, Skopje.
c) Symbols and designations of the political party, advocacy and representation
The political party has a stamp, a stamp, a symbol-emblem, a flag and an anthem.
The seal of POEN is in a round shape with a diameter of 3 centimeters with the following text:
Circle "Party for Social and Economic Progress - Skopje" and the environment "POEN".
POEN also has a stamp in a rectangular form in which the name of the party is in the upper part, in the middle in two rows a space for number and date is indicated, and in the lower part, it is written by Skopje.
The symbol (emblem) is applied in three concentric blue circles, separated by three golden circles (rings) - symbols of economic progress. In the first (smallest) blue circle is applied a shiny yellow 4-star star surrounded by 4 smaller white glossy stars, which symbolize clear vision, truth and hope. The second blue circle is applied to the starry sky of 5-pointed golden stars in two circular lines, symbolizing social progress and cohesion. In the third (largest) blue circle, the "Party for Social and Economic Progress" has been circularly written in the upper half, and the abbreviation "POEN" is listed below. Olive twigs, a symbol of peace and prosperity, were applied between the two texts on both sides.
The flag of the Party is in rectangular shape with dimensions of 70 x 140 cm, white, and the emblem is applied in the middle and the name of the Party is written. The party has its own anthem which is determined by the decision of the Main Board. The use and preservation of the seal, stamp, symbol - emblem, flag and anthem shall be regulated by a special decision of the General Board.
The POEN President represents and represents the Party in the framework of its regular activity, and beyond that on the basis of a special decision of the Executive Board of the General Board.By a special decision of the Executive Board, POEN can be represented and represented by another member of the Executive Board. Persons who are authorized to represent POEN with this Statute may, within the limits of their powers, also authorize third parties as agents with clearly defined powers.
d) Principles and goals of the party and the public
Considering the individual as the highest value of the Macedonian society, the political party POEN is founded to fulfill the following basic political principles and goals:
• smooth and continuous development of the democratic processes and democratic character of the Macedonian society based on political pluralism, multi-party parliamentary political system, market economy and similar;
• full respect for man, his dignity, rights and freedoms, in accordance with the highest civilizational and democratic benefits;
• development and prosperity of a unitary, independent, independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia as a civil state whose sovereignty arises from the citizen;
• protection of civil liberties and individual human rights;
• the promotion and development of a functioning market economy and the creation of conditions for equality of all economic entities;
• Creating equal opportunities for all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia regardless of their ethnic, religious, racial, gender and other kind of belonging or identity;
• equality and fairness in all spheres of society;
• the development of a multicultural society, interculturalism and intercultural communications in the Republic of Macedonia as values of the highest priority for the overall development of the Macedonian society;
• respect for religious freedoms and the right to free choice of religion;
• fostering the cultural values and the historical benefits of the Macedonian people and the ethnic communities living in the Republic of Macedonia;
• well-being for all citizens in the Republic of Macedonia;
• European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Republic of Macedonia;
• freedom of speech and press, opposition to all kinds of tutorstvo and violence on journalism, censorship and interventionism of journalistic articles and editorial policy in the media;
• Strengthening and unification of a liberal, democratic and reform movement and defense of the fundamental values of liberal thought and idea and liberal democracy.
For the realization of the political principles and goals of Article 6 of this Statute, a Party Program and an electoral program adopted by the POEN Assembly is adopted.
In pursuing political principles and goals, POEN is used with democratic and non-violent parliamentary and non-parliamentary methods and means.
The party vigorously rejects all attempts to use undemocratic, totalitarian or other violent methods.
Based on a decision of the authorized bodies, POEN can enter into a coalition or establish other types of cooperation with other political parties and to achieve international cooperation that is not contrary to the law. The Party for Social and Economic Progress cooperates with the parties in Macedonia, as well as in the international community, especially those with close program and political goals and goals.
The work of the Party for Social and Economic Progress is public, and it is realized through the transparent publication of the Statute, the acts of the party, the program of work, the election program, as well as the implementation of the goals for which it was founded, in particular through:
• the availability of reports and other materials from the work of POEN to the members and other interested persons, and their submission to the public;
• organizing conferences for the public;
• publishing press releases;
• Issuing bulletins and other publications
• to freely promote and express their views and initiatives on issues of interest to the citizens and their needs;
• other ways that enable timely and true public reporting on the work of the Party.
The public cannot be informed about the affairs of the Party that have the character of a business or other secret determined by law.
a) Terms and conditions of membership
Membership in a political party is voluntary.
A member of POEN can be any adult citizen of the Republic of Macedonia who will sign a membership application in the Party and who accepts the Statute and the Program.
The applicant shall submit the signed application for membership of the Party to the Municipal Organization of POEN or to one of the higher authorities of POEN.
The Executive Board of the Municipal Organization on the basis of a signed application for membership of the Party, at its meeting verifies the receipt of the member and issues a membership card upon prior consent from the POEN Executive Board.
Each member belongs to the Party's Municipal Organization by the place of residence.
In case of a change of place of residence, the member is obliged to register with the new Municipal organization.
On the basis of the signed membership application in the Party and verification of admission, the article will be entered in a single database or in the Register of Membership of POEN.
The data entered in the Register is updated annually.
The party guarantees the anonymity of the entered data in the Register in accordance with the regulations for protection of personal data and classified information.
b) Rights and obligations of members
Members of POEN accomplish their rights in accordance with the Statute.
The member has the following rights and obligations:
• to participate in proposing, building and realizing the Party's policy
• to elect and be elected to the organs and bodies of the Party
• to participate in the work of the bodies and bodies in which he is elected as a member and to decide on the issues raised as the subject of the hearing
• be a candidate for party lists for presidential, parliamentary and local elections
• be nominated for a public office holder
• to give suggestions, opinions and to express their views
• to work in the course of his political activity to realize the Program, decisions, attitudes and program documents of the Party
• to freely express their own views and opinions
• The member has the right to separate his opinion on a certain issue
• to have a different attitude from the majority in the Party and to advocate through the bodies of the Party for affirmation of such an attitude
• be informed about the activities of the Party and its bodies and bodies
• Theoretically and practically trained for political action, organized by POEN
• regularly pay the membership fee and within its possibilities to contribute and other forms of assistance to the Party
• to perform its activity in accordance with the Statute of the Party
The member is obliged to pay a regular membership fee.
The member who generates income arising from the mandate received from POEN, shall pay an additional fee.
Members can contribute to the work of the party with their contributions, donations in money or goods and services, and in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.
In order to provide material support to the Party, additional or special rights can not be exercised.
A special decision and a rulebook of the General Board determines the level of membership of the members of the Party, the holders of public and state functions, as well as the categories of members that are exempt from paying the membership fee.
d) Termination of membership
Membership terminates with:
• expulsion from the Party, from the date of signing of the representative
• due to death
• decision on exclusion from POEN, due to:
• joining another political party in the Republic of Macedonia
• candidate on a list of another political party or independent list, without the POEN consent
• accepting a public office by another political party, without the consent of POEN
• by acting and acting against the Statute and Program of POEN
• by his behavior and action he is causing damage and destroys the reputation of
• does not respect the decisions and attitudes of the POEN bodies.
A decision is made in order to reach a decision on exclusion, in which the appropriate authority of POEN may issue a warning or make a decision for exclusion from POEN.
A warning can be pronounced for minor forms of violation that inflict slight damage on the party.
The exclusion of a member may be imposed for more severe forms of violation which have caused significant damage to the party.
A decision for reprimand or exclusion is adopted by the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization or the General Board of POEN.
The Executive Board of the Municipal Organization decides to reprimand or exclude members, advisers and holders of public functions from its municipal organization, which are elected at the local level.
The General Board of POEN decides on the reprimand or exclusion of the members of the General Board, Members of Parliament, mayors and holders of public office elected or appointed by the legislative or executive branch.
In the procedure for exclusion, evidence (documents and statements) must be attached. The basis for decision is the oral hearing on which the member against whom the exclusion procedure is being called is obligatory.
A record is kept at the oral hearing.
Decisions to be taken in the exclusion proceedings must be in writing with explanation and legal advice.
The decision must be submitted to the member for whom the exclusion procedure was conducted.
The member within 15 days from the day of submitting the decision has the right to appeal to the Supervisory Board of POEN.
The decision of the Supervisory Board may confirm, amend or revoke the previous decision of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization or the General Board of POEN.
The decision of the Supervisory Board is final.
Based on a decision to exclude a member, it is deleted from the unique database, i.e. from the Register of Membership of POEN.
The political party is founded on a territorial principle, in accordance with the territorial arrangement of the Republic of Macedonia.
Membership of POEN is organized in the following forms of activity:
• A Party for Social and Economic Progress
• Municipal Organization of POEN
Members of POEN can also be organized in the City organization of POEN - Skopje, as well as regional organizations, with a decision of the General Board.
City organization of POEN-Skopje is a form of organization and action of the Municipal organizations of POEN on the territory of the city of Skopje, according to the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Macedonia.
The regional organizations of POEN represent the form of organizing and acting in the territory of the Election units, according to the administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Macedonia by Election units.
Members of POEN can also be organized in interesting forms (young, women or similar).
A decision for their formation is adopted by the POEN General Board.
Party for Social and Economic Progress is the highest organizational form of organizing and acting on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia.
Bodies of POEN are:
• Assembly
• Main Board
• Executive Board
• President
• Supervisory board
a) Assembly
The Assembly consists of:
• President of POEN
• members of the POEN Board of Directors
• members of the Supervisory Board of POEN
• Representatives of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, members of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia from the ranks of POEN
• holders of public office elected or appointed by the legislative or executive branch of the POEN
• the mayors of the units of local self-government from among the
• Presidents of Municipal Organizations
• 1 delegate to a certain number of members by POEN Municipal Organizations, whose number and selection procedure is determined on the basis
• previously determined criteria by a decision of the General Board for convening the Assembly
The Assembly of the Party for Social and Economic Progress is the highest authority of POEN.
The mandate of the delegates of the Assembly lasts 4 (four) years.
The mandate of the delegates with which amendments are made to the composition of the Assembly is within the entire four-year mandate.
In urgent cases or in extraordinary circumstances, the rights, duties and responsibilities of the Assembly are exercised by the POEN General Board.
Immediately after the termination of the extraordinary circumstances, that is, at the first following session, the General Board is obliged to notify the Assembly of POEN for the undertaken actions.
The sessions of the Assembly are convened and chaired by the President of POEN.
If the President of POEN resigns or is prevented from performing his function, an extraordinary session of the POEN Assembly shall be convened by the Chairman of the General Board or the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and chaired by the oldest member of the Assembly of POEN.
The Assembly meets at every 4th (fourth) year of the election session. The POEN Assembly is held as needed, but at least for two years. Assembly of POEN with a written invitation containing the proposal of the
The agenda is convened by the President of POEN.
The POEN Assembly can work and make valid decisions if more than half of the total number of its members is present at the meeting.
The Assembly adopts its decisions by a majority of votes of the present members and, by rule, by public voting.
Voting can be secret if the Assembly makes a special decision for that.
The POEN Assembly works according to the Rules of Procedure adopted at the beginning of the session, and for its work a minutes is signed, signed by the chairman of the meeting, a recorder and two of his witnesses.
A meeting before the deadline determined by this Statute shall be convened at the request of the President of POEN, at least 1/3 of the members of the General Board, the Supervisory Board, at least 1/3 of the municipal organizations or in case of the resignation of the President.
The proposal for convening a meeting before the deadline determined by this Statute should contain an agenda with an explanation.
The decision for convening the Assembly shall be announced at least 15 days prior to the day of its holding.
When the Assembly is convened within the meaning of paragraph 1 of this Article, the deadline for publication may be shorter.
Article 33
The POEN Assembly has the following rights, duties and responsibilities:
• Adopts the Program and the Statute of the Party and their amendments and supplements
• sets out the guidelines for the work of the Party
• adopts reports on the work of the bodies and bodies of the Party
• elects and dismisses the President of POEN
• selects and dismisses the General Board of POEN
• selects and dismisses the Supervisory Board of POEN
• determines the number of members of the bodies and holders of functions
• determines the responsibility of the holders of the functions it selects
• Adopts the Rules of Procedure
• Adopt resolutions, declarations, program documents and other acts
• delegate authority to other bodies and bodies of the Party
• Decides on termination of a Party by a two-thirds majority of the total number of members of the Assembly
• Perform other tasks related to the realization of the Program of the Party, determined by Law or this Statute
b) General Board
Article 34
The POEN Board of Directors consists of:
• The President
• 30 to 50 members elected by the POEN Assembly
• The term of office of the members of the General Board lasts 4 (four) years, with the right to
Article 35
The POEN Board of Directors works in sessions.
The main board is called as needed, and at least once every six months. The sessions of the General Board are convened and chaired by the President of the
Main Board at the request of the President of POEN, the Executive Board or 1/3 of the members of the General Board.
The General Board of POEN can work validly and decide if more than half of the total number of its members are present at the meeting.
The decisions of its competence are adopted by the General Board of POEN with a majority of the votes of the present members and by public voting.
At the request of one of the CSO members, with the support of 1/5 of the members of the Main Board, after a certain point or issue, the Main Board may vote by secret ballot.
Minutes are adopted from the session of the General Board, which is adopted at the next session.
Article 36
The President of the General Board is obliged to schedule a meeting of the General Board within 15 days after the request.
If the President of the General Board fails to schedule the meeting within the prescribed deadline, the applicant shall convene, prepare and manage the session of the General Board.
In case of absence of the President, the sessions may be convened by the President of POEN, an authorized member of the Executive Board, or the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Article 37
At the meetings of the General Board, a spokesperson for the Party is invited if he is not a member of the General Board, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the MPs, the public office holders of the POEN, the presidents of the POEN municipal organizations and presidents of interests, without the right to vote and deciding.
Article 38
The General Board is the highest governing body of POEN between two Assemblies and has the following rights, duties and responsibilities:
• manages POEN and takes care of the implementation of the decisions of the Party
• discussing current affairs and events related to the political, social, economic, security and other situations in the country, and adopt views and conclusions
• Adopt political assessments and determine the political views of POEN
• takes care of the implementation of the party's program goals and for the adopted positions and conclusions
• Adopts the Rules of Procedure of the General Board of POEN
• elects the President of the General Board, from its composition, with a mandate of 1 (one) year. If the elected President of the CSO is a member of the EB, the mandate at the EB is at his / her stand as he / she is the President of CSOs
• elect from 2 (two) to 3 (three) vice-presidents of the Party, of its composition
elects a secretary of the Party, from its composition
• Electing from 7 (seven) to 11 (eleven) members of the Executive Board The Party, of its composition
• recalls the members of the Executive Board, the Vice-Presidents and the Secretary
• elect a person responsible for the material and financial performance of the Party
Article 38a
In urgent cases or in extraordinary circumstances, the rights, duties and responsibilities of the General Board are exercised by the POEN Executive Board.
Immediately after the termination of the extraordinary circumstances, that is, on the first following session, the Executive Board is obliged to notify the General Board of POEN for the undertaken actions.
c) Executive Board
Article 39
Between two sessions of the General Board, the highest governing body of the Party is the Executive Board.
The Executive Board of the POEN General Board consists of.
• President of POEN
• President of CSOs
• Vice-Presidents of POEN
• Secretary of POEN
• from 7 (seven) to 11 (eleven) members
The mandate of the members of the Executive Board lasts four (4) years with the right to re-election.
Article 40
The sessions of the Executive Board are convened and managed by the President of the Party for Social and Economic Progress.
The sessions of the Executive Board are held as needed, and at least once a month.
The Executive Board can validly work and decide if more than half of the total number of its members are present at the meeting.
The Executive Board adopts the decisions with a majority of the votes of the present members and by public voting.
Minutes are adopted from the session of the Executive Board, which is adopted at the next session.
Article 41
The session of the Executive Board may be convened upon proposal of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board or at least 1/3 of the members of the General Board or the Executive Board.
A proposal for convening a session from paragraph 1 of this article should be submitted in writing and explained.
Article 42
The President of POEN is obliged to schedule the session of the Executive Board within 5 (five) days after the request.
In the event of the absence of the President of POEN, a meeting of the Executive Board may be convened by one of the Vice-Presidents of POEN, upon prior authorization by the President.
Article 43
For its work, the Executive Board is responsible to the POEN General Board, which can be revoked by a separate member of the Board or by the Executive Board as a whole.
Article 44
At the meetings of the Executive Board, a spokesperson for the Party is invited if not is a member of the Executive Board, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Presidents of Interests, without the right to vote and decide.
Other holders of party and public functions are also invited as needed.
Article 45
The Executive Board is an executive-political body that:
• participate in building and expressing the political will of POEN
• Realizes the conclusions and views of the Main Board relating to the organization and internal life of POEN
• deals with issues of internal, organizational and staffing and is responsible for the efficient implementation of professional work for the needs of POEN
• Builds and realizes the Party's political views
• proposes views, conclusions, draft acts and other documents of the General Board and the Assembly
• proposes candidates for participation in presidential and parliamentary elections and holders of public office, as well as candidates for POEN bodies and bodies.
• if necessary, establish temporary working bodies for the preparation and execution of tasks within its competence
• takes care of the ongoing financial and material operations of POEN and makes appropriate decisions and other acts
• Decides on the formation and dissolution of the municipal organizations of POEN
• elect coordinators for the constituencies
• Selects a spokesman for POEN
• Elect the Secretary for International Cooperation
• Elect Executive Secretaries
• Adopts the Rules of Procedure
• adopt all necessary acts for the establishment and smooth functioning of the POEN Professional Service
• performs other tasks entrusted to the General Board or which are determined by this Statute and other acts of POEN.
d) President of the Party for Social and Economic Progress
Article 46
President of the Party for Social and Economic Progress:
• represents and represents POEN and is responsible for the legitimate work of the Party
• manages POEN among the sessions of his organs
• participate in the creation of the POEN policy
• convenes the sessions of the Executive Board of the General Board
• convene the sessions of the General Board if it is not made by the Chairman of the POEN Board of Directors upon his request
• takes care of the implementation of decisions, conclusions and other acts adopted by the bodies and bodies of the Party
• implements the policy of POEN
• Conclude contracts and sign acts and other documents in accordance with the Statute and the Program of the Party
• performs other activities within its competence which are determined by other general acts and special decisions of the POEN bodies.
Article 47
• The POEN President elects the POEN Assembly.
• The mandate of the President is for 4 (four) years with the right to re-election.
• In case of omission and absence of the President of POEN, it shall be replaced by one of the Vice-Presidents by a decision of the Executive Board or a written decision by the President.
• In the event of the resignation of the President of POEN, and the inability of the Assembly to elect a new President, the Chairman of POEN shall be the Chairman of the General Board until the election of a new one.
• The VD function. President of POEN cannot last more than 6 months from the adoption of the resignation of the previous president of POEN.
d.1) Vice-President
Article 48
The vice-presidents of the party:
• they perform works within the scope which are entrusted with the Statute, or the area for which they have been elected
• promote POEN policies
• perform works that the President of POEN entrusted with a special authorization
• participate in the creation of POEN policies.
• participate and take care of the implementation of the Party Program
Article 49
For their work the Vice Presidents directly correspond to the President of the Party and the General Board.
The term of office of the Vice-Presidents of the Main Board lasts 4 (four) years with the right to re-election.
d.2) Secretary
Article 50
The secretary of the party
• organizes the overall work of the Party, is responsible for implementing the decisions, attitudes and conclusions adopted by the POEN bodies
• Prepare the sessions of POEN bodies
• perform all organizational and administrative matters in accordance with the Statute
• Organize and coordinate the work of executive secretaries
• keeps and updates the unique database of POEN members
• participate in the creation of the POEN policy
Article 51
For his work, the secretary is directly responsible to the President of the
The Party and the Main Board.
In the work of the Registrar, it is assisted by executive secretaries with responsibilities after
territorial principle.
e) Supervisory Board
Article 52
The POEN Supervisory Board counts from 5 (five) to 7 (seven) members.
The Supervisory Board of the Constituent Assembly convened by the President of POEN, elects the President and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
For its work, the Supervisory Board is answerable to the Party Assembly. The member of the Supervisory Board cannot be a member at the same time organ of the Party.
The POEN Supervisory Board holds sessions as needed and at least once a year.
The relevant information and documents are available to the Supervisory Board of POEN, and the President of the Party is responsible and responsible for this.
The mandate of the President and the members of the Supervisory Board lasts 4 (four) years, with the right to re-election.
Article 53
The Supervisory Board has the following rights, duties and responsibilities:
• Conduct continuous control over the implementation of the Statute, decisions, conclusions and other acts adopted at the Assembly, the Chief and the Executive Board of POEN
• considers the financial and business activities of the Party
• Submits a report to the Assembly and the General Board of POEN on its work
• Decides upon appeals and objections to decisions made by the POEN General Board or other POEN bodies.
• to adopt a rulebook on its work
• performs other tasks determined by other general acts and special decisions of the POEN bodies.
III.2 Municipal organization of POEN
Article 54
• The basic form for connecting and organizing the members of the Party from the territory of one municipality is the Municipal organization of POEN which is formed on the territory of a particular municipality.
• By a decision of the General Board, another way of organizing and acting according to the regional principle, electoral unit, and other forms of connection and action of the municipal organizations of POEN can be determined.
Article 55
• Minimum number of members for the establishment of the Municipal Organization of POEN is 15 (fifteen) members.
Article 56
• The POEN Municipal Organization that acts contrary to the Program and the Statute of POEN may be dissolved by a decision of the General Board.
Article 57
• The term of the elected bodies and bodies is 4 (four) years.
• The municipal organization does not have the status of a legal entity, but it may have its own account.
Article 58
• Bodies of the Municipal Organization are:
• Assembly of the Municipal Organization
• Executive Board of the Municipal Organization
• Chairman of the Municipal Organization
• Supervisory Board of the Municipal Organization
Article 59
The Assembly of the Municipal Organization is the highest organ of the Municipal Organization.
The Assembly of the Municipal Organization shall consist of all members on the territory of the Municipality, and if the number of members exceeds 100 (one hundred) with a special decision of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization or the General Board of POEN, the number, composition and manner of election of delegates for the Assembly of the Municipal Organization.
Article 60
If by a special decision the number of delegates of the Assembly is determined, then the Assembly of the Municipal Organization shall comprise:
• the president of the Municipal Organization of POEN
• members of the Executive Board of POEN
• members of the Supervisory Board of POEN
• Presidents of local boards
• 1 (one) delegate to a certain number of members of the local boards
• members of the Chief and Supervisory Board of POEN, MPs, mayors, advisers, holders of public functions from the respective Municipal organization and presidents of interests.
Article 61
The sessions of the Assembly of the Municipal Organization are convened and managed by the President of the Municipal Organization.
The Assembly of the Municipal Organization of POEN shall be held at least once every 2 (two) years, and every 4th (fourth) year shall be held an election session of the Assembly.
The assembly is held mandatory before the local elections in order to determine the candidates for the local self-government bodies.
The decision to convene the Assembly shall be made by the Executive Board.
Article 62
The Assembly of the Municipal Organization can work and decide in full if more than half of the total number of members are present at the session.
The decisions of their competence are adopted by the Assembly of the Municipal Organization with a majority of the votes of the present members and by public voting.
Article 63
The Assembly of the Municipal Organization has the following rights, duties and responsibilities and responsibilities:
• determine the working directions of the Municipal Organization of POEN
• considers the basic issues related to the operation of POEN in the Municipal organizations and takes appropriate positions and conclusions
• review and adopt reports on the work of the bodies and bodies of the Municipal Organization
• Act on the implementation of the Party Program in the municipality
• elects the President of the Municipal Organization of POEN
• elects members of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization
• elects members of the Supervisory Board of the Municipal Organization
• Identifies candidates for the local self-government bodies
• proposes members for bodies and bodies of POEN
• Adopts a Book of Rules for its work and
• perform other tasks arising from the POEN Program or are determined by this Statute and other general acts of POEN.
b) Executive Board of the Municipal Organization
Article 64
The Executive Board of the Municipal Organization consists of:
• the president of the Municipal Organization of POEN
• from 5 (five) to 7 (seven) members
The Executive Board of its members elects a Secretary of the Executive Board. The mandate of the members of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization lasts
4 (four) years, with the right to re-election.
Article 65
The sessions of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization are convened and managed by the President of the Municipal Organization.
The sessions of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization are held as needed, and at least once a month.
The Executive Board can validly work and decide if more than half of the total number of its members are present at the meeting.
The Executive Board adopts the decisions with a majority of the votes of the present members and by public voting.
The Municipal Board of POEN can work validly and decide if more than half of the total number of its members are present at the session and it adopts its decisions by a majority of the votes of the present members.
Minutes are adopted from the session of the Executive Board, which is adopted at the next session.
Article 66
A session of the Executive Board of a Municipal Organization may be convened upon proposal by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Municipal Organization or at least 1/3 of the members of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization or the Executive Board of POEN.
A proposal for convening a session from paragraph 1 of this article should be submitted in writing and explained.
Article 67
The President of the Municipal Organization is obliged to schedule the session of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization within 8 (eight) days after the request.
If the President of the Municipal Organization does not schedule the meeting within the prescribed time limit, the applicant shall convene, prepare and manage the session of the Executive Board.
In the event of the absence of the President of the Municipal Organization, the sessions may be convened, Secretary of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization.
Article 68
For its work, the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization is responsible to the Assembly of the Municipal Organization, which can be revoked by a separate member of the organization or by the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization as a whole.
Article 69
The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Municipal Organization, the members of the General Board and the Supervisory Board of the POEN from the Municipal Organization, the spokesman of the Municipal Organization, the MPs, the Mayor and the Councilors of the Municipal Council of the POEN and the Municipal Council are invited to attend the sessions of the Executive Board of the Municipal Organization. presidents of interest forms at the municipal level, without the right to vote and decide.
Other holders of party and public functions are also invited as needed.
Article 70
The Executive Board of the Municipal Organization is a political-executive body and has the following rights, duties and responsibilities:
Manages the Municipal Organization between two sessions of the Assembly of the Municipal Organization
• takes care of the execution of the decisions of the Assembly and the higher bodies of the Party
• considers and proposes to the Assembly guidelines and directions for further action of the Municipal Organization
• discuss the current issues and adopt appropriate views and conclusions
• participate in the creation of the POEN policy
• Adopts decisions on establishing and abolishing local committees in the local, ie urban communities on the territory of the municipality
• determines and submits to the Assembly a Draft-Report on the work of the Municipal Organization
• participate in the creation of personnel policy at the local level
• selects and dismisses the Secretary of the Municipal Organization from its composition
• elect and recall a spokesman for the Municipal Organization
• coordinates with the work of the mayor, councilors and other elected and appointed officials at the level of the Municipality.
• proposes candidates for mayor, members of the Municipal Council and candidates for Members of Parliament in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
• make decisions on the establishment of permanent and temporary working bodies
• to adopt a rulebook on its work
• discuss and decide on other issues within its competence and arising from the program and statutory provisions; and
• Perform other activities in accordance with the Statute and the acts of the political party.
b.1) Secretary of the Municipal Organization
Article 71
Secretary of the Municipal Organization
• organizes the overall work of the Municipal Organization
• is responsible for the implementation of the decisions, attitudes and conclusions adopted by the bodies of the Municipal Organization
• prepares the sessions of the bodies of the Municipal Organization
• perform all organizational and administrative matters in accordance with the Statute
• Performs other matters that are assigned to him under the terms of the Rules of Procedure or other acts
c) Chairman of the Municipal Organization
Article 72
The President of the Municipal Organization
• represents and represents the Municipal Organization
• manages the Municipal Organization between the sessions of the Executive Board
• participates in the building of the POEN policy
• implements the POEN policy
• convenes and presides over the sessions of the Executive Board and the Assembly
• performs and other matters that have been assigned to it under the Rules of Procedure and with specific decisions and acts of the Executive Board and other POEN bodies
• The mandate of the President of the Municipal Organization is 4 (h Thiry) years with the right to re-election.
d) Supervisory Board of the Municipal Organization
Article 73
The Supervisory Board of the Municipal Organization of POEN consists of 3 (three) to 5 (five) members. The Supervisory Board elects its chairman from the Supervisory Board. The mandate of the President and the members of the Supervisory Board lasts 4 (four) years, with the right to re-election. The Supervisory Board works in sessions. The Supervisory Board assesses the statutory nature of the acts and decisions, controls the financial and business activities of the organization and prepares an annual report, performs other tasks determined by other general acts and specific decisions of the POEN bodies.
IV. Special Provisions
a.) Deciding
Article 74
The POEN bodies shall make valid decisions if more than half of the members constituting the bodies are present at the meetings, and the decisions are adopted by the majority of the members present.
If there are several proposals for the same question, the proposal that received the majority of votes from the present is considered adopted.
A working procedure or a special decision may also provide for a special procedure for the adoption of decisions in more than one circle of explanation, whereby the proposals with the least number of votes fall into the process of eligibility, as long as the declaration does not determine whether any of the proposals received majority of votes from the audience.
If, when declaring a significant minority, ie at least 1/3 of the total number of members of the body, he declares himself against the decision-making or refuses, at the request of 40% of the present persons with the right to vote, the decision is adjourned until the next session of the then the decision is made by a majority of votes.
The significant minority referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article must not suffer any consequences for the stated views.
b) Selection and termination of office in the bodies and bodies of POEN
Article 75
The procedure, the method and the criteria for nominating and electing the members of the bodies and the holders of functions in the bodies shall be determined by a previously established procedure and a decision of the POEN Board of Directors.
The nomination procedure is carried out on the proposal of the POEN members, by self-announcement and on the proposal of the President and members of the Chief or Executive Board of POEN.
Article 76
The election of the President of POEN shall be carried out by secret ballot, unless otherwise provided by the Rules of Procedure.
Those candidates who have received the highest number of votes or the majority of the present have been elected, but they must have more than 1/3 of the total number of members of the electoral body.
If no candidate is selected in the first round, the second round includes the two candidates who have won the largest number of votes, and the candidate who has received the highest number of votes is considered elected, but it must be more than 1 / 3 of the total number of the electorate.
If even after the second round, none of the candidates will be elected, the selection procedure is repeated with a new list.
Article 77
The election of the members of the General Board and the Supervisory Board of POEN shall be carried out by secret ballot, unless it is otherwise regulated by the Rules of Procedure.
Those candidates who received the highest number of votes were selected, but they must have more than 1/3 of the total number of members of the electoral body.
If the required number of members of the body is not selected during the voting, the number of candidates as needed to be elected is additionally fill in the composition of the body in a manner determined by the Rules of Procedure or determined by the electoral body.
The holders of other functions and members of POEN bodies shall be elected by public vote unless otherwise provided by the Rules of Procedure.
In all bodies and bodies of POEN there must be at least 20% members of the less represented gender.
Article 78
Bodies and holders of POEN's party functions for their work correspond to the bodies they have chosen.
A motion for revocation or dismissal may be filed for the entire body or for part of the members of the body.
Article 79
The function in the organs and bodies of the Party ceases due to:
1. Revocation
2. Dismissing
3. Resignation
4. The occurrence of death
A decision for revocation of a member of a body or a bearer of a function shall be adopted by the body at the appropriate level at which the election was made in the manner in which the members of the bodies or the holders of functions are elected. In the case of revocation, the function shall cease at the time of publishing the results of the impeachment vote.
In the event of dismissal, the function shall cease on the day of the decision.
In case of resignation with its finding by the appropriate authority.
Article 80
The bodies, part of the members of the bodies and the holders of party functions, have been voted in confidence if more than half voted for the trust, but not less than 1/3 of the total number of the electorate.
Article 81
If a revocation or resigned from the post of President of POEN, an Extraordinary Election Assembly is called within 60 days, with the election of all bodies and bodies of POEN, elected by the Assembly, whose mandate lasts 4 (four) years.
The party is headed by the President of the POEN Board of Directors until the holding of an extraordinary election assembly.
Article 82
If a revocation of other bodies is passed within 45 days, the appropriate body that elects them is called, and the mandate of the new members lasts until the end of the existing mandate.
Article 83
The member of the body or the holder of the office, who by decision is revoked from the duty, ie by a decision is dismissed, has the right to appeal within 10 (ten) days to the Supervisory Board of POEN whose decision is final and enforceable.
Article 84
The resignation of the termination of the post shall be submitted to the appropriate authority.
The submitter of the resignation has the right to explain the resignation in writing or orally.
c) Dissolution of the organizational form of POEN
Article 85
The POEN General Board may decide to dissolve the organizational form of POEN for the purpose of completely terminating its work or reducing the scope of the activity, due to the failure to fulfill the program's, statutory and political goals of the party.
An appeal against the decision to dissolve within 10 (ten) days may be lodged by the body to which that decision applies.
The complaint was submitted to the POEN Supervisory Board whose decision is final and enforceable.
Article 86
If certain bodies of the POEN organizational forms that act within the POEN do not realize the program or statutory determinations and political goals of the party, the POEN General Board may initiate or convene a meeting of an appropriate authority for the purpose of voting for the trust of the body and possibly election of a new authority.
Article 87
V. Material-financial operations
The Party of Social and Economic Progress is a non-profit organization that acquires financial assets and other assets from:
• party membership fee
• donations and contributions from membership and supporters
• other income from individuals and legal entities in accordance with the positive legal regulations
• The budget of the Republic of Macedonia and the budgets of the municipalities
• The party runs the financial operations according to the positive Laws
• regulations through a gyro account in one of the commercial banks determined by a decision of the Executive Board.
The proposal of the financial plan and annual financial statement is adopted by the POEN General Board.
VI. Professional service
Article 88
In order to perform professional, administrative, operational and other work, POEN forms a professional service.
The manner of establishment, organization, operation and operation of the professional service, as well as the rights and obligations arising from the employment relationship will be regulated by a special decision and other general acts of the POEN General Board.
VII. Termination of POEN and disposition of its property in case of termination
Article 89
The political party may cease to act in the following cases:
• By a decision of the Assembly of POEN, which requires a 2/3 majority of the total number of members of the Assembly, and after a preliminary hearing in POEN
• When the number of POEN members is reduced under the legally prescribed number for its establishment and
• When a decision of the POEN Assembly requires 2/3 majority of the total number of members of the Assembly decided to merge with another party.
For the termination of POEN in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article, the President of POEN or a person authorized by him shall notify the competent court for deleting the Party from the Single Court Register of Political Parties.
Article 90
With the decision to terminate POEN, the Assembly of the Party will decide and to whom it will give, give away or give away the property of POEN (to humanitarian organizations, social funds, foundations, associations of citizens, etc.) if the termination occurs due to the reasons stated in paragraph 1, indents 1 and 2 of Article 89 of this Statute, and if a merger with another political party occurs, the POEN property is transferred to the new entity.
VIII. Transitional and final provisions
Article 91
The amendments to the Statute are made by the POEN Assembly, with a majority vote of the total number of members.
In urgent cases or in extraordinary circumstances, amendments to the Statute are performed by the POEN General Board.
Article 92
An initiative for amendments to the Statute can be submitted by a body of the Party, working bodies, as well as each POEN member.
In the initiative referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, which shall be submitted in writing to the POEN Executive Board, specific proposals for amendments should be contained, as well as additional explanation of the reasons for which they are proposed.
Article 93
Interpretation of the provisions of this Statute is given by the Assembly of POEN.
Article 94
With the entry into force of this Statute, the Statute adopted on 01.03.2014 at the founding Assembly of the Party for Social and Economic Progress shall cease to be valid.
Article 95
This Statute shall enter into force on the day of its adoption.
March 13, 2017 Party for Social Progress and Cohesion
Skopje President
Prof. Dr. Rubin Zemon